Should You Dump Your Massage Therapist for a Massage Chair?

Massage chair vs. massage therapist

Getting a massage is one of the best ways to unwind, relax and remove all the stress you encountered during the day. It’s the most efficient way to stay healthy, while also protecting your back from any injuries as well. Plus, getting a massage gives you that energy boost you need to push things onward and take things to the next level.

Normally you have two options, you either go to a massage therapist to receive a professional massage, or you buy your own massage chair. As you can imagine, each option focuses on very specific people and situations, but it can be a great pick, and that’s what matters the most.

This post will aid you in deciding massage therapist or massage chair.

Why Should You Work with a Massage Therapist? Are There Downsides?

The main advantage you get from working with a massage therapist is that he can manually take care of the massage process. He has complete knowledge of where issues arise in the human body and he also knows what muscles are under stress most of the time. That makes the experience of receiving a masage a whole lot better, and you will find everything is working as expected, without that much of a hassle.

In addition, the massage therapist can spend quite a lot of time working with you and communicating. That means he will know where it hurts and address that part a whole lot better and easier. He can also change the massage frequency, depending on how you feel and any other situations at hand. All the little things do add up here, which makes it quite a good idea to work with a therapist.

 The touch of a human is also more intimate, which in many cases, makes the massage more relaxing since it’s not the same flow over and over again. It gets the job done very well, and you can immediately tell your massage therapist to up the pressure or lower it without having to press a button. All these little things are meaningful at least in the case of some customers. It still takes a while to identify and manage everything, but it’s totally worth it if you do it right, and the payoff itself is staggering, to say the least.

One of the problems that come from working with a massage therapist is that every massage will cost you money. So if you take 2 massages per month and spend $100 per massage, that can lead up to $2400 every year. This is very costly, and it goes to show how expensive massages can actually be.

Then there’s also the lack of privacy. You expect the massage to be something more personal, not an experience you share in a public place. For a lot of people, this leads to discomfort and they just don’t feel right. Granted, some massage therapists have their own parlor and dedicated massage rooms, but it still doesn’t feel cozy. That alone can be a bit of an issue, but it’s also down to personal preference most of the time. That’s why it makes a lot of sense to just address the situation wisely and see if you want to work with a massage therapist or not.

Should You Buy a Massage Chair or not?

Buying a massage chair is a very good idea if you don’t want to go outside of your home just to have a massage. A good massage chair will help you enjoy the amazing benefits of a massage from the comfort of your home. That helps immensely since you get to focus on enjoying your time at home and you don’t have to exit your home and visit a massage therapist.

Plus, you’re not limited to a certain number of massage sessions. You can choose to have a massage every day if that’s what you want. It helps quite a lot, and it takes your experience to the next level in a very rewarding and powerful manner. You get to enjoy spending your time at home, and you will eliminate many concerns and challenges that can arise. The best part about this entire process is that you also have a variety of controls.

Most massage chairs have location controls that help you target the massage to the body area you want. On top of that, you also have intensity controls. That means you can have a denser massage or a simpler one, based on your needs. To make things even better, some massage chairs also have heat controls. This helps unwind and relax your muscles, while still bringing in a very comprehensive and powerful experience every time.

The best massage chairs also have a multitude of massage options already programmed in them. These include effleurage, tapotement, vibration, friction, and many others. It’s great for you to have a pre-determined massage type without having to program anything yourself. But if you want, you can try and fully customize stuff on your own, and it does provide quite an interesting and immersive experience. It helps more than you might imagine while pushing your experience to the next level.

How Powerful is the Massage Chair Vibration?

This is where the true power of a massage chair lies, through the fact that you are always in control over the intensity and power of your massage. You will be able to focus on a certain trigger point or tension area. While a therapist will never spend the massage session on a single technique, the massage chair will do that for you. Add to that the fact that you get to do everything from the comfort of your home, and it just goes to show the great value and quality you can receive from something like this in the end.

When you choose your massage chair, a good idea is to identify a few, very important things. You want to know the pressure levels that are provided by the unit. You also want to know whether it can have a softer massage in order to help remove pain from injured areas. It’s also a good idea to see if there are any specific, specialized systems in place to ensure everything is working just as expected.

The massage timers also matter here. While a therapist will just massage you for the amount of time you pay, the massage chair will help you a whole lot more. You can use it whenever you want and you can set a very specific timer whenever you see fit. This is an amazing investment and one that can make a huge difference in the long term.

When is the Massage Chair a Better Option than a Massage Therapist?

Normally, if you want to have a massage at home, this is by far the right option to focus on. In addition, a massage chair is an ideal option for those that want to boost their post-workout muscle recovery. It’s also very good if you just want to lower stress and anxiety, while also inducing better sleep. If you are very stressed out during the day, then there will be demanding challenges all the time. With the right massage chair, you get to do that in no time, and it’s totally worth it.

Moreover, massage chairs are great if you want to lower the number of headaches you encounter from time to time. Let’s face it, dealing with headaches is not always easy, but if you tackle it right, it will always be worth the effort and that’s the thing you want to pursue the most.

Thanks to the massage chair, you can also boost your oxygen flow to the extremities. Most of the time, this is the reason why you end up with cold extremities, but the massage chair can help prevent that with great success. It also boosts the blood flow through the entire body, while decreasing the occurrence of injuries. It helps quite a bit while boosting the power of your immune system and thus keeping you safe.

We also have to keep in mind that massage chairs are great if you want to relieve the pain from sore muscles, not to mention it’s ideal for lower back pain too. If you are very interested in staying safe and protecting yourself from injuries, getting a massage from time to time is always going to come in handy. We recommend you to take your time and find the right massage chair that suits your needs and requirements since it can bring in front great potential.

Massage Chair or Massage Therapist?

Every person has their own set of requirements when it comes to a massage. Some people will always go for the massage therapist because they like human interaction and communicating with the therapist and getting their advice. On the other hand, massage chairs are also an amazing option because they offer privacy, you save money on massages, and the best part is that you can easily set your own massage routine. Or, depending on the situation, you can spruce things up.

The truth is that you always get to have the desired amount of control, and your experience will be very impressive. Even if it does take a bit of a trial and error to find the right massage chair, we encourage you to test multiple ones and see which one suits your needs. Getting one from your home is an amazing idea and a stellar investment into your family’s wellbeing!