

How Much Do Massage Chairs Cost?
You will notice that massage chair costs tend to be all over the place. You have some massage chairs under $1000, but most of the high tier units can go anywhere from $5000 to $10000 sometimes. That’s why you must assess your needs and stick to a specific budget when you buy a massage chair. You never really know how much you will end up spending, so keeping things under control is the right approach and it can make a huge difference in the long run.
S Track vs. L Track Massage Chairs
The thing to keep in mind about the L track massage chair is that it can be rather expensive when compared to an L track chair. On the other hand, you do get an extra element to the massage system. The L track is very good for those persons that have glutes tension, leg pain, and back pain. It can also work for people with sciatica. The S track is suitable if you have tension on the glutes, but it’s mostly for that alone. The airbags can be very consistent and
How to Protect Your Massage Chair Leather Seats?
Every massage chair is a godsend when it comes to the amazing benefits that it provides. The most important thing you can do is to learn how to take good care of it, especially if it’s made out of leather. You do need to keep in mind that most massage chairs are using synthetic leather to protect the environment and also deliver a more affordable price. Here we will guide you with tips and tricks on how you can clean your massage chair adequately, without having to worry about any issues that might arise.
Is It Safe to Use a Massage Chair During Pregnancy?

There is no doubt that pregnancy can be too exhausting, so women must relax and comfort their tired bodies. When the body is tired, there is nothing more pampering than getting a good massage. A heavenly massage can work like magic for pregnant women, especially while facing the severities of pregnancy.

Massage chairs ideally ease some of the exhaustion and provide relief. In recent times, massage chairs have become quite popular. Even though getting a blissful massage is unparalleled, these vibrating massage chairs are certainly one of the best man-made creations for comfort and relaxation. 

As helpful as these massage chairs are generally, whether they can be used during pregnancy is quite debatable. This detailed guide provides all the information regarding the benefits of using massage chairs during pregnancy and specific conditions in which it is inadvisable.

Differences Between 2D, 3D, and 4D Massage Chairs

If you are on the lookout for purchasing a massage chair or want to upgrade your old one for more advanced massage features, there are few things to consider. Buying a reliable and sturdy massage chair is like a one-time investment in the long run, so there is a lot of thought processing and decision making involved.

One of the most important factors to consider is looking at the features and technology. These massage chairs are equipped with unique technologies. Some of you might be unaware of the differences. Hence, take help from our guide on the primary differences between 2D, 3D, and 4D massage chairs, which will ease your thoughts and speed your decision-making process. 
